Buhar kazanlarının ana amacı, suyu ısıtarak buhar elde etmek ve bu buharı enerji kaynağı olarak kullanmaktır. Bu kazanlar, genellikle sanayi tesislerinde, elektrik üretiminde, ısıtma sistemlerinde
Buhar kazanlarının ana amacı, suyu ısıtarak buhar elde etmek ve bu buharı enerji kaynağı olarak kullanmaktır. Bu kazanlar, genellikle sanayi tesislerinde, elektrik üretiminde, ısıtma sistemlerinde
Ters osmoz filtrasyon sistemlerinde, membranın ham su tarafında biriken minerallerin kristalleşmesini engellemek için suya özel kimyasal maddeler eklenir. Bu uygulama, filtrelerin ömrünü uzatarak daha etkili
Su yumuşatma sistemi, suyun sertliğini azaltmak amacıyla kullanılan bir süreçtir. Sert su, yüksek miktarda kalsiyum ve magnezyum iyonları içerir, bu da çeşitli problemlere yol açabilir.
Buhar kazanlarının temel amacı, suyu ısıtarak buhar üretmek ve bu buharı enerji olarak kullanmaktır. Buhar kazanları genellikle endüstriyel tesislerde, elektrik üretiminde, ısınma sistemlerinde ve proseslerde
Isınmış su, soğutma kulesinde dolgu maddesinin üzerine eşit bir şekilde dağıtılır ve hava ile yoğun temas soğumayı iki şekilde gerçekleştirir : ● Isının %15-25’i soğuk
Su soğutma kulesi; tesisten ısınarak gelen sıcak suyun bir kısmını buharlaştırıp atmosfere atarak soğutan, gerekli sıcaklığa ulaşmış kalan kısmını ise tesise kullanmak üzere geri gönderen
Soğutma kulesi;kulenin içinden geçerken suyun hava ile teması sonucu bir kısmı buharlaşarak atmosfere verilir, bu esnada soğutma suyu üzerindeki ısının bir kısmı buharlaşma vasıtası ile atmosfere verilerek
Flushing Nedir? Kelime anlamıyla bol miktarda su ve yardımcı kimyasallarla yıkamaktır. Flushing; inşaat ve mekanik tesisat literatüründe özellikle kapalı devrelere yapılan ilk yıkama uygulama yöntemi olarak
Lejyoner Hastalığı Nedir? Dünyada ilk lejyoner hastalığı vakası 1976 ‘da ABD’de Philadelphia’da rapor edilmiştir. Lejyoner hastalığı olarak adlandırılan enfeksiyon etkeni Legionella pneumophila otel, hastane ve
Water cooling towers are devices for cooling water used in industrial air conditioning applications, comfort air conditioning applications and process water in industry. Cooling towers are used to cool process water directly or
How does lime form on the steam generator coil? Lime layer occurs on the surfaces where heat transfer occurs. In systems used in steam generation such as steam boilers and steam generators, it is often
Corrosion Corrosion is a process of deterioration of a material by reacting with its environment. Corrosion has become a worldwide problem due to its serious consequences. Corrosion, which we also encounter in our daily lives, is a
Corrosion: Corrosion is the natural occurrence of metallic materials reacting with the environment in which they are found, without the need for external energy. Most of the metals are water
Corrosion Corrosion is an electro-chemical reaction. In DIN 50900 '' A metal component or a whole, which causes a measurable change in the raw material
Corrosion Corrosion is an electro-chemical reaction. In DIN 50900 '' A metal component or a whole, which causes a measurable change in the raw material
Corrosion The corrosion process is a complex electro-chemical reaction. The operating load and stress on the system, the pH conditions and the chemical composition of the medium have a significant influence on corrosion formation.
Corrosion Corrosion is a natural phenomenon. Structures formed as a result of all naturally occurring reactions are more stable. The stability of the structure depends on the energy of the metals or alloys that lose their properties.
A steam boiler is a boiler that utilizes the heat generated by the combustion of any fuel (solid, liquid or gas) or by the use of electrical energy to generate the desired amount of steam from water or other liquid.
Use of Bag Filter in Closed Circuits Closed circuit systems are systems in which the same water circulates, there is no evaporation loss of water, and there is no blowdown. The fluid in the closed circuit (usually
What is Drift and Why Does It Happen? Drift is the transportation of boiler water with steam in boilers that produce steam. It usually occurs due to mechanical and chemical reasons. Mechanical causes;
Why Bluff in a Steam Boiler? Steam boilers are systems that provide steam by heating water. Water is a solvent due to its structure and contains almost every
When the boiler is out of operation, it is exposed to more corrosion and rust than the corrosion that occurs during operation. In the boiler, especially if the boiler is not degassed or has very little alkali
With the development of industry in the world and in our country, heating and cooling water systems have become an indispensable part of the enterprises. To take precautions against winterization, corrosion and microbiological formations of the systems,
With the increase in water temperature and salt concentrations in the water, winter is formed by the crystallization and accumulation of salts. Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate crystallize and solidify as they heat up in water. Approximately
Stone Acid is cleaned by dipping or circulation methods to remove scale and corrosion deposits on metal surfaces. Lime layer formations are formed on surfaces where heat transfer takes place.
Although it is called stone, it does not dissolve stone structures. In general, in heat exchanger systems (steam boiler, heat exchanger, boiler, evaporator, etc.) lime and
Membrane technology can be used alone or in combination with several systems depending on the characteristics of the raw water. In general, it is possible to apply as follows. Main elements; Raw
Reverse Osmosis Working Principle Although membrane separations have been known since the 1930s, Leob and Sourrajan developed the skinned reverse osmosis (RO) membrane in 1959,
Fouling and Clogging of Reverse Osmosis Membranes The reverse osmosis technique is perfectly capable of producing drinking water and pure process water from the worst water. However, these devices
What is Antiscalant? In filtration systems such as reverse osmosis, it is a chemical product dosed into raw water to delay the crystallization of minerals concentrated on the surface of the membrane on the raw water side. Thus, the filters
Membrane Technology and Antiscalant Although the water stress experienced in our country is recorded as a low level today, it is foreseen that we will be one of the water scarce countries in the 2050s.
Water on Earth According to the big bang theory, early in the formation of the universe, Hydrogen (H+) atoms and later Oxygen (O-2) atoms with many types of atoms in stellar cores
Water is the basic element for the survival of living things and therefore a vital natural resource. This feature makes water different from other natural resources. The world's largest
What is Water Hardness? Water hardness is divided into temporary and permanent, and water hardness consists of dissolved Ca+2 and Mg+ (calcium and magnesium) ions.
What is a boiler? Flame and smoke resulting from the combustion of a heat-receiving fluid (water, thermal oil, air, etc.) on one side of the surface and a heat-giving fuel on the other side
Conventional hot water heating systems are designed for water temperatures of 90/70 degrees Celsius as standard. Increases in fuel costs over time and the importance of energy saving
What is a cooling tower? Cooling towers are used to provide cooling on various systems, they generally provide cooling in the range of 3-7 oC, in closed gas conversion in chiller systems
The chiller system basically realizes cooling with the cycle provided by the special cooling liquid in the compressor, condenser, break valve and evaporator equipment. The hot gas coming to the compressor is compressed
These are systems that indirectly cool or heat with the help of heat exchangers. They are completely closed to the atmosphere and operate under pressure, have water circulation within themselves and are very
The mixed bed tank contains anion and cation exchange resins mixed together. Mixed bed ion exchangers are more complex than other ion exchangers. Tank
Without the right pre-treatment systems, ideal water values and effective water treatment chemicals in steam boilers and steam generators, the formation of scab cannot be prevented. Wintering public
Steam is formed by evaporation or sublimation from a liquid or solid state. During the evaporation of water, equal amounts of liquid or solid particles are converted into gas.
Antiscalant is a chemical that is dosed before water from pre-treatment enters the reverse osmosis membranes. It prevents calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate ions from reacting and prevents precipitate formation on the membranes.
It is very important to use the right chemical in the right amount in closed circuit systems. For this, it is necessary to analyze the system very well. When the chemical is used outside the effective working range
Since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, we have been increasing our measures to protect the health of our employees and customers. Our changing working conditions as of April: We wish everyone a healthy day.
As a result of the flushing we completed at Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Cultural Center, the system is ready for operation. Our first and last water samples: 'Flushing', literally washing with plenty of water
With the development of industry in the world and in our country, steam boilers and cooling systems have become an indispensable part of the enterprises. To increase the useful life of the systems against winterization and corrosion,