With the development of industry in the world and in our country, steam boilers and cooling systems have become an indispensable part of the enterprises. The most effective protective method to increase the useful life of the systems against scab and corrosion, to prevent energy loss, to reduce maintenance and operating costs is water treatment.

Water treatment is done in two ways:
- Pretreatment: It is the passing of water through treatment units such as filtration, softening, demineralization, reverse osmosis. Pretreatment is only done to prevent or slow down the formation of scab, but it is not sufficient on its own.
- Chemical Treatment: Today, it is the most effective method used against both scab, corrosion and microbiological decay. However, it is only beneficial if the right chemical is used in sufficient quantity and in the right place. Otherwise, it may cause unsolvable problems such as phosphate stone formation.
We believe that water treatment is one of the most important areas of improvement for the efficiency of businesses and the reduction of their impact on the environment. With the right treatment, your business can achieve major improvements in product quality, living conditions and energy savings. Before we start treatment in your business, we calculate and present the savings we will achieve in one year.