
Cesol no wax

Polish cleaner
CESOL - NO WAX is a solvent based chemical specially manufactured for cleaning parts coated with wax during transportation on ships. Provides effective cleaning in a short time. Provides ease of operation as there is no odor problem.

How to use:
Can be applied by brushing and spraying. Cleaning should be done without dilution. Protective gloves and equipment should be used during application and ambient ventilation should be provided.

Fiziksel Özellikleri:                                              
Görünüm                                          : Hafif açık sarı sıvı     
Yoğunluk                                          : 0,75 – 0,85 gr/cm3 (20 °C de)
pH                                                    : –
Parlama Noktası                              : < 50 °C
Korozif Etki                                       : Plastik, kauçuk, boyaya zarar verebilir.