
Cesol filt extra

Filter Cleaner
CESOL - FILT EXTRA is a solvent based product used for cleaning metal and ceramic filters, oil coolers, oil heaters from carbonized oils. It penetrates oil residues in a short time and provides cleaning.

Can be applied by dipping and circulation method. It is more suitable to be used in pure form. Cleaning by heating up to500Cincreases the performance of the product. Protective gloves and mask should be used during application and ambient ventilation should be provided.

Fiziksel Özellikleri:                                              
Görünüm                                          : Berrak renksiz sıvı    
Yoğunluk                                          : 0,92 – 1,02 gr/cm3 (20 °C de)
pH                                                    : –
Parlama Noktası                              : < 60 °C
Korozif Etki                                       : Plastik, kauçuk, boyaya zarar verebilir.