
Cesol electro

Slow Volatile Electric Motor Parts Cleaner
CESOL - ELECTRO is an effective product used for cleaning oil and carbon deposits on engines, generators, electrical panels and all kinds of equipment. It provides long lasting cleaning with its slow volatile feature. Does not require rinsing after cleaning.

How to use:
Can be applied by dipping, wiping and spraying. It should not be diluted with water. Protective gloves and mask should be used during application and ambient ventilation should be provided.

Fiziksel Özellikleri:                                              
Görünüm                                          : Berrak renksiz sıvı    
Yoğunluk                                          : 1,50 – 1,60 gr/cm3 (20 °C de)
pH                                                    : –
Parlama Noktası                              : < 50 °C
Korozif Etki                                       : Plastik, kauçuk, boyaya zarar verebilir.