
Cas shine

Metal Polisher
CAS - SHINE is an acid-based product used for cleaning oil, grease, grime, soot, dust stains on all kinds of metal surfaces and polishing the surface. It can be used safely on sensitive metals.

How to use:
Can be applied by dipping, brushing, wiping method. It can be diluted 10% - 50% depending on the density of the dirt. Protective clothing, gloves, goggles, goggles, mask should be used during application and ambient ventilation should be provided.

Fiziksel Özellikleri:
Görünüm                                          : Renksiz sıvı
Yoğunluk                                          : 1,05 – 1,15 gr/cm3
pH                                                    : < 1,0
Parlama Noktası                              : Yok
Korozif Etki                                       : Alüminyum, çinko, demir ve galvaniz ile uzun süreli teması korozyona neden olabilir.