
Cas scale

Stone Acid
CAS - SCALE is an acid-based product used for cleaning the lime layer and mineral deposits formed on the seawater side of cooling systems, steam and hot water boilers, heat exchangers, evaporators and air coolers. It is used for the cleaning of dense and stubborn lime layers. Contains metal protective inhibitors.

It is applied by circulation and dipping methods. It can be diluted up to 10% concentration according to the density of the lime. Protective clothing, gloves, goggles, goggles, mask should be used during application and ambient ventilation should be provided.

Fiziksel Özellikleri:
Görünüm                                          : Mavi sıvı
Yoğunluk                                          : 1,13 – 1,23 gr/cm3
pH                                                     : <1,0
Parlama Noktası                              : Yok
Korozif Etki                                       : Alüminyum, çinko ve galvaniz ile  temasında koroziftir.