
C-biocide 1735

Bromine Biocide for Open Cooling Systems
Bromine-containing biocide designed for microorganism control in open cooling towers and industrial process waters. Prevents the formation of algae, bacteria and fungi. Prevents clogging, pollution and corrosion caused by this biological formation. Can be used safely on metal surfaces containing copper.

C-BIOCIDE 1735 is dosed into the cooling tower with a dosing pump. It is used as a shock 2 or 3 times a week. Product dosage may vary according to the physical conditions of the facility to be used. Dosage amount should be determined by CEMKİMSAN KİMYA authorized person.

Physical Properties:
Appearance : Light yellow liquid
Density : 1,35 gr/cm3
pH : 12 - 13
Flash Point : None
Corrosive Effect : In pure form, it may have a corrosive effect on all kinds of metals in case of prolonged contact.